Thomas and I have actually been sitting on this one for a year or so - I guess we have a witchay-woman-like clairvoyance for impending doom - visions of a trashy dystopian sci-fi novel (USA) manifested into an everyday reality of compounding anxiety and perversion (USA). We must have peered into our crystal ball (alcohol) and hypothesized how one might actually find themselves in this hell on Earth situation....but also a creative renaissance (of sorts) despite the punishing weight of the moment, unburdened by the relentlessly annoying distractions of 'having fun' or 'being happy'. Yes, we miss our friends and families (and movie theaters) but silence and solitude can be good for the art and the deep mental (whatever that means lol). Anyhoo, we made this cap in a small edition, and now you can buy it if you want to, pop it on your cerebral and think about how you're going to beat these odds and grow like a plant. I think this is a winning lotto number stamped on the strap but *who knows. This cap was made from scratch in the USA, one size fits most.
*I actually know now because I asked Thomas last night and he said we put the highest grossing lotto numbers in history on there for you as a favor. Like I said, we can see into your future and it's beautiful.
See more of our buddy Thomas Bradley's work here: